Absorbent W


Oil-Only Organic





Absorbent W organic oil only sorbents absorb oil-based liquids while repelling water and will float even when fully saturated. This makes Absorbent W an excellent solution for cleaning up spills on dry land, in marine environments and in the rain. Keep Absorbent W on hand and be prepared for spills in any environment!

Absorbent W is manufactured from 100% cellulose fibres from pulp reclaimed from the manufacture of paper products and coated with a patented polymer to give it its hydrophobic characteristics.

Hydrocarbons are absorbed into the cellulose fibres and do not leach or drain providing the broadest possible range of disposal options, including incineration, landfilling and bioremediation.

Absorbent W is available as particulate, pads, pillows, socks and booms. Although all forms of Absorbent W instantly absorb and retain hydrocarbons while repelling water; each product has different strengths in responding to a spill.


Absorbent W Particulate is highly versatile and be used for clean up on water, containment of spills on land, oil sheen removal and for cleaning shorelines.

Absorbent W Pads will float on water and absorb oils or fuels from the water’s surface. They can also be used to deal with day-to-day spills as a hydrophobic alternative to rags.

Absorbent W Socks are best deployed to contain both water and land-based spills and protect stormwater drains.

Absorbent W Pillows absorb large volumes of hydrocarbons and are best deployed once a spill has been contained using Absorbent W particulate, socks or boom.

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Item # Product Description Items/Unit
50001 Particulate 60L Bag
50002 Particulate 10L 6 Bags
54602 Pads 40cm x  50cm Bale of 100
52011 Pillows 20cm x 45cm Box of 20
52012 Pilliows 45cm x 45cm Box of 7
52222 Mesh Pillows 45cm x 45cm Box of 8
53001 Socks 75mm x 3m Box of 6
53002 Socks 75mm x 1.2m Box of 10
ABC-BOOM510B Oil-Only Boom 130mm (4) Bale of 4
ABC-BOOM810B Oil-Only Boom 200mm (4) Bale of 4